Source: Bruce Charlton
Monthly Archives: June 2015
The first to die
Source: Vox Popoli
Nobel scientist says women take things personally; women take it personally
By Steve Sailer
Source: Steve Sailer
Steve Klabnik and Alex Payne, Support of Terror and Mass Murder
Source: Free Northerner
Fractal Inside-Outness
By admin
Source: Outside In
Pool’s Closed
By Gregory Hood
Source: Radix Journal
Redefining Marriage – circa 1973
By Will S.
Source: Patriactionary
Some lives mattering more than others
By Bonald
Source: Throne and Altar
Christ of the Trenches
Source: 28 Sherman
Moynihan’s Law of the Canadian Border reconfirmed for umpty-umpth time
By Steve Sailer
Source: Steve Sailer